Tuesday, November 26, 2019

BTEC L2 Diploma In Sport Essay

BTEC L2 Diploma In Sport Essay BTEC L2 Diploma In Sport Essay ]] BTEC L2 Diploma in Sport Unit 9: Psychology in Sport 6 week Psychological Skills Training Programme Name: Kulsum Dalal Sport: Rounders Strengths and Areas for improvement Strengths Motivation Thoughtful Active Leadership Confidence Calm Areas for improvement Outgoing Problem solving Even tempered Control of anxiety Reliable Commitment Calm Concentration Control of aggression Responsive My SMART Targets Overall aim of the training programme: 4 The overall aim of my training program of 6 weeks is to improve my psychological ability in Rounder’s. I have assessed my current psychological skills and identified my areas to work on. The 4 areas I will be working on are concentration, calmness, control of anxiety and temper/aggression. To do this I will need the help of my peers, my team mates and my coaches. Target Method to be used to achieve target 1 Within my six week training programme I aim to improve my concentration, specifically when fielding. Exposure in training Focusing Thought stopping 2 During my 6 week training programme I want to improve my ability to control my anxiety, specifically when I make mistakes. Exposure in training Breathing techniques Self-talk Mental rehearsal 3 Over my 6 week training I aim to improve the control of my aggression, especially when losing or when I make mistakes. Exposure in training Thought stopping Focus on next action Week 1 Session 1: Area for improvement Method to be used Plan Concentration Exposure in training Focusing Thought stopping I will explain to my coach what makes me lose my concentration when fielding (spectators and watching other games), I will make sure that this happens in training so that I can practice concentrating on my game and not what is going on around me. I plan to focus on my game and try not to be distracted with things. The things that might I lose my focus on by looking at other game or messing round with other people who not batting. To make me focusing on my game I have think about every step I take. I will focus on the batter and what they are doing as they could hit the ball tome at any time, so I need to be alert. To imagine my coach shout ‘STOP’ in my head to bring my attention back to the game when I do lose concentration and I realise. Session 2: Area for improvement Method to be used Plan Anxiety Exposure in training Breathing techniques Self-talk Mental rehearsal I will explain to my coach what makes feel me lose my anxiety when fielding (spectators and watching other games), I will make sure that this happens in training so that I can practice anxiety on my game and not what is going on around me. I will talk to my self and motive myself by talking my throw the game if I messy up in my game I will say to myself throw* it like I did well last time so I will do the same as I did well in my last game . Session 1 Review Date Completed: General feelings on how the session went. In my session some of it went to plan, not everything went well, I never used thought stopping that much and need to try it next time. I planned for exposure in training; i told my coach that I easily lose my concentration. We were in groups and we were talking to each other about our problems, some of us had similar problems and others had different. We could improve this by participating in more games and talking to each other, so this could prevent me losing concentration as my mind would be on the game and on the players. Focusing – I tried to focus on my game and not to get easily distracted. I did get distracted when other players were shouting at each other, this is when I had to try and stay focused on the game and not on the players shouting by trying to ignore the shouting and concentrating on the game, so this did go well at the time. Week 2 Session 1: Area for improvement Method to be used Plan Aggression

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hemagglutinin and Food Poisoning from Beans

Hemagglutinin and Food Poisoning from Beans Not so fun fact: Did you know that eating soaked raw or undercooked beans can result in food poisoning? It can. The culprit is a plant lectin known as phytohaemagglutinin, or simply, hemagglutinin, a chemical known to cause agglutination of mammalian red blood cells and to disrupt cellular metabolism. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, phytohaemagglutinin is found in many types of beans, however, red kidney beans contain the highest levels of hemagglutinin. White kidney beans contain a third as much of the toxin while broad bean varieties contain only 10 percent as much hemagglutinin as red kidney beans. Thats still plenty, however, since you only need to eat four or five undercooked red kidney beans to get sick. Bean Poisoning Symptoms Symptoms start to appear within one to three hours after consuming the beans. They include nausea and vomiting followed by diarrhea and, in some cases, abdominal pain. Although the symptoms may be severe enough to warrant hospitalization, they resolve spontaneously within a few hours. Everyone is susceptible, regardless of age, gender or other factors. Preventing Bean Poisoning It is easy to prevent bean poisoning. The recommended procedure is to boil soaked raw beans in water for a minimum of 10 minutes. It is important that the water reach boiling or 100 °C (212 °F), since exposing the compound to 80 °C (176 °F) actually increases its toxicity about five times. What Is the Most Poisonous Compound? | Is Mistletoe Really That Poisonous? Share Your Experience Had you ever heard of hemagglutinin in beans or bean poisoning? Have you ever experienced this type of food poisoning? Here are replies from readers: I never knew about kidney bean poisoning until today! I made vegetable soup with dried bean mix (without soaking) in a Crockpot. The soup didn’t cook thoroughly even though it was on for over eight hours. Fortunately, my symptoms were mild - but still a very unpleasant experience.- Lea Here’s the drill, folks! Legumes have been a staple of humans and other critters for a long, long time. Look in any old cookbook (mine date back over a century) and guess how they prepared them. THEY SOAK THEM OVERNIGHT AND BRING TO A BOIL, THEN SIMMER UNTIL TENDER. Obviously, they only had fire for fuel and no electricity. I never knew about PNG until last year and have prepared many types of beans, including dry red beans. My main goal is to greatly reduce polysaccharide sugars which encourage anaerobic activity in the gut and, guess†¦gas! So, after 50 years of cooking and research, heres the magic recipe: Sort, rinse, and cover 1 lb. of beans with 2 inches of water. Add 4 tsp. of salt. Soak overnight or 6 to 8 hours. Bring to a boil, and boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and soak 4 hours. Now, discard water and rinse the beans. Cover beans with water and bring to simmer. Cook until tender. Drain and serve.Note: I use a pressure cooker (seven minutes at 15 lbs. for Pinto beans). Beans are an important part of my diet, almost every day!- JVPETC   I have this reaction to ALL legumes. It doesn’t matter how they are prepared or cooked. It also doesn’t seem to matter how little I consume. I have become extremely ill after consuming something that was made with a small amount of soy flour. I have also started to have a similar reaction to certain nuts. One of my frustrations is that soy seems to be a standard substitution in so many foods, and isn’t always listed. I read that if an ingredient is a common substitution (soy grits for corn, for example) that the substitution isn’t always listed. It is to the point that I can no longer eat foods that my family doesn’t make from â€Å"scratch† with known ingredients.- Paula I am so glad I found this site after waking up at 3:30 a.m. this morning with intestinal pain, nausea, diarrhea and feeling like I was about to pass out right on the bathroom floor. I had eaten dark beans I made from scratch in the crockpot two nights in a row. It was frightening because I couldn’t come up with a reason why this happened. Now I know.- Laurene  Ã‚   I’m just getting back to normal after two pretty awful days. My girlfriend made us a pinto bean and pumpkin casserole and three hours later I felt the first wave of nausea. An hour later I was projectile vomiting until I was just retching. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so ill before. The pinto beans had been soaked overnight and boiled as the instructions said to, but there must have been a few that didn’t cook properly. My girlfriend was absolutely fine and thankfully so is our baby, who had some mashed up. I had to take two days off work and have only just started back on solid food as I couldn’t stomach anything but water.- Jon  Ã‚   I just wrote to a major cooking magazine about the possibility of hemagglutinin poisoning from two slow cooker recipes they printed that called for uncooked navy beans. They answered that they had researched their recipes with the FDA and were told there was very little danger in using the recipe, as most such poisoning comes from red kidney beans. Have they gone bonkers or just don’t want to admit they printed recipes that could make people sick?- Jessica Deforest  Ã‚   I just ate some romano beans and I’ve never really cooked beans before so I didn’t know I had to soak and then cook them, I just cooked them. I threw out most of my dish but ate a significant portion of the meal. My stomach feels a bit weird so I guess I might get sick, but hopefully, it’s just a psychological reaction to learning about this, or it’s just that the beans are tough to digest because of my flawed cooking. Wish me luck.- Jaime Silta My adult son has just had a horrendous episode of acute poisoning that was incredibly intense. Luckily, he has excellent health generally. After eating a plate of shop bought ready prepared falafel with hummus, he was fine for three or four hours and then had a rapid onset of acute abdominal pain and diarrhea. He also had some blood loss with diarrhea. The pain was really severe and at one point I thought I would have to get an ambulance. He also began vomiting. Incredibly, this really severe and acute illness began to wear off after four or five hours. 20 hours later, he is feeling fine again, although obviously exhausted! I have always thought that the most severe food poisoning was associated with contaminated meat and dairy products and had no idea that beans could be so lethal!- Cate   I ate raw Romano beans I bought from the grocery store. They sold them beside the green beans that I’ve always eaten raw, so I thought it was just another type of bean. I ended up eating an entire bag of them, thinking they were good. BIG MISTAKE. I felt like throwing up five minutes later. They burned in my stomach. Went to bed, passed a lot of gas, my intestines were spasming. Woke up 6 hours later with abdominal pain. Drank Pepto Bismal. Went back to bed. Woke up an hour and a half later with extremely watery diarrhea. Had to pass water for stool several times.- Anonymous My wife has just had a severe attack of vomiting and diarrhea. The suspect is the falafel we had for dinner made from white butter beans, or dried runner beans. The recipe used from Claudia Roden’s book specifies making the rissoles from uncooked beans. They are then deep-fried. I found a 2008 article from the Independent called Beware of the Beans. A family using the same recipe (shallow fried, however) all came down with severe symptoms. Even white beans have enough lectin to cause problems.- Jeremy Cunningham

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Report to the Directors of USPS diagnosing the state of affairs and Essay

Report to the Directors of USPS diagnosing the state of affairs and offering some prognosis on what might be a more sustainable business model - Essay Example While many factors could be blamed for the situation, this paper has zeroed in on one issue: the business model. In comparison to other players, like the FEDEX and UK’s The Royal Mail, the evolution of technology was not supposed to have such severe effects on the institution. Besides highlighting these issues, the paper has offered the best model to adopt, and lucidly elaborated what entails. The U.S. Postal service (USPS) is tasked with ensuring the mails sent through their platforms reach their destinations on time. Many American business people and the society expect that no letter sent through USPS will be delayed for whatever reasons. Rather, each is convinced that the institution has the capacity to deliver without the slightest hiccups. However, the situation has deteriorated as evidenced by the number mails that reached their recipients way after their expected period. In a bid to arrest the situation, the USPS management sought to have in place measures that would enable the corporation fulfil its mandate. One of these included laying off of the staff whose retirement period was near. Unfortunately, the situation was not remedied as the immensely experienced individuals were lost not to mention the subsequent workload. Upon realizing these measures were not effective, the management hired other people meaning the cost rose significantly. In light of these issues , this paper seeks to investigate the real cause of the problems at USPS. Further, a prognosis will be offered upon identifying the major issues bedevilling the USPS. A closer analysis of the woes facing USPS reveals that a single problem did not result in its current state. Rather, a myriad of issues including lack of innovation as evidenced by the number of letters that would be sorted by the clerks. Apparently, the process would be done manually, a process that inevitably cost the institution a considerable amount of resources

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 2

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in explaining the workings and achievements of major nation - Essay Example Chief activities are held up by the infrastructure of the organisation, personnel management, technology growth and procurement. Nevertheless, the Porter’s model has its weak point. In the fiscal sense, the model assumes a traditional market. The more the production is regulated, the less significant insights the model can offer. Porter’s model is appropriate for analysis of an uncomplicated market structure. The model is founded on the idea of competition. The fresh interest in state competitiveness has unlocked up the debate on the factual meaning and understanding of global competitiveness of countries. The management theories that organisation competitiveness can expand to country competitiveness as explained by Porter in his diamond work frame and the globe competitiveness reports. To comprehend why so much stress is placed on the diamond framework in the organisation literature, a distinction has to be haggard between the sense of competitiveness at a nation level and global competitiveness. National competitiveness and national diamond Conventional theories of international deal propose that comparative advantage lives in the factor endowment with the intention of a country to inherit. Factor endowments comprise land, natural reserves, labour and the dimension of the local population. Gladwell (2000) argues that a country can create novel advanced issue endowment such as accomplished labour, a strong expertise and knowledge base, administration support and culture. Porter used a diamond shaped drawing as the basis of framework to exemplify the determinants of national advantage. This diamond represents the national playing field that countries establish industries. There are critiques attached to competitive benefit of a national diamond. The inventory of factors at a given period is less significant than the degree that they are improved and deployed. Infrequent disadvantages in factor of production compel innovation. Adverse stipulations such as labour and scarcity of scarce raw materials compel firms to come up new methods and this novelty often leads to a nationwide competitive advantage. Whilst the market of a particular product is well-built locally than in overseas markets the local organisations devote more concentration to that product than to overseas firms. This leads to a competitive benefit when the local organisations are exporting the product. An illustration of how an industry can give a competitive advantage is extracted from Japan .The Japanese facsimile industry exemplifies the diamond of national gain. Japanese attained dominance in this industry for various causes. Japanese factor conditions: Japan has a comparatively high number of electrical wangles per capita. Japanese demand conditions: The Japanese marketplace was very demanding for the reason of the written language. There was sizeable number of related and following industries with good technology. For instance good miniaturized components as there is less space in Japan. Domestic competition in the Japanese fax machine industry encouraged innovation and resulted to swift cost reductions. Administration support- the state owned telecom company (NTT) distorted its cumbersome approval necessities from each installation to an additional general type

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Penn State University Application Essay Example for Free

Penn State University Application Essay Ever since middle school, I was already interested in hotel management. I am always fascinated with the way things were done so arduously by the hotel officers and staff, yet they still managed to look so amazingly fresh and attractive for the guests. I have had a very good grade in my hotel management subject during high school and an award for excellence too. Being so inspired to pursue what I have always wanted, I took a year internship at Holiday Inn and passed it with flying colors. After my internship, the AmeriSuite employed me for six months and I moved to a bigger hotel afterwards. I have given a lot of effort in improving my English skills because I believe that hotel management requires more than just interpersonal skills, it requires good communication skills even more. I work at the Washington Dulles Marriott Suite for 2 years now and I enjoy it so much. I am assigned to oversee the front desk, manage the reservation department, and of course, be of service to the hotel guests at all times. I have received awards and recognition for the diligence, dedication and effort that I give to my job. I see to it that my guests feel at home, relaxed, comfortable and happy at the hotel and its crew. At the end of the day, I feel proud of being able to put smiles on the faces of my guests. This work has taught me many things in life: responsibility, management of time and money and diligence. Given an opportunity to be accepted in your prestigious university, I am confident that my optimism, work ethics, background, and experience will benefit not just myself, but also the other students that I may interact with at Penn State University. I have proven to myself that I can adapt to any difficult situation. I know that there is no challenge too difficult that even hard work cannot overcome. I look forward to being part of Penn State University and begin the next level of my academic pursuit.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Analysis of Moll Flanders Essay -- Moll Flanders Essays

An Analysis of Moll Flanders    The novel is about the realistic experiences of a woman in the underworld of 18th century London. She is anonymous, Moll Flanders being a pseudonym which she adopts when she needs an alternative identity for her criminal life.    She has no family, having been abandoned by her own mother - a transported felon, and her upbringing, education, social position and material well - being are all constantly precarious.    She lives in a hostile, urban world, which allows for no weakness. Social position and wealth are the dominant factors for survival. She has neither and her life is a struggle to achieve both. She is clever and persevering, always alert to opportunity and she survives and becomes rich, although after a life fraught with difficulty, much of it of her own making.    Defoe's novel gives us a clear sense of daily life and the anxieties attendant on economic and social uncertainty and he displays a clear understanding of female specifics, in a criminal world. Defoe himself was an 'outsider'. A Londoner who often had to live by his wits, pursued by creditors and spending time in Newgate prison for debt. His own honesty was at times rather dubious.    He writes accurate social history in a fictional form. The social details in 'Moll Flanders' are very accurate, even those set in Virginia and the novel is also politically and economically structured.    The themes of the novel, in part, are transgression, repentance and redemption, which are to be expected, given Defoe's Dissenting background. Moll's fortunes do not prosper in the 'Babylon' of London, but in Virginia, in the 'New' world. Perhaps Defoe was suggesting, like hi... ...ly innocent, despite her adventures and her chosen lifestyle as a master criminal. Defoe shows us the two sides of her character in constant opposition. On the one hand, she can be thrifty, cold and efficient and on the other, reckless, excited and bold. She is never dull. Again, Defoe makes no moral judgement, but leaves the reader to make his own.    The novel is structured so that we see a series of parodies of tragic situations, which often become almost bizarre in their comic absurdity. Moll sometimes behaves insensitively, or even in a completely callous way, but Defoe's heroine is never contemptible, eagerly thrusting from one experience to the next. The novel has a deep intensity of experience. Moll's emotions, too are mixed and unstable, but she always recognises and articulates them, even if she does not show complete understanding of them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why We Don’t Listen Better

Practical Book Review One: James C. Petersen, D. Min. _________________ Presented to Rev. Mario Garcia, Jr. , Ph. D. , J. D. Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA __________________ In Partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the course PACO 500 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling ________________________ By Odell Joiner November, 2011 Hey Petersen, James C. 2007. Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications. â€Å"I observed that while other avoided grumpy people, all I had to do to reduce their grump-factor was to ask questions and let them tell me their stories. .. I also found that after I paid enough attention to their personal and political tirades, they became receptive to me too. † (5) The above excerpt from Dr. Peterson's book, Why don’t we listen better? could be consider as the premise or purpose for his writing. Learning how to listen, digest what the other person is artic ulating, â€Å"putting yourself in their shoes† (understanding), and providing valuable input is his primary objective. At the very onset of Dr. Peterson's book, he use an illustration that gains the attention of the perspective reader. He recall an early experience, perhaps one of his first encounters as a young pastor counseling a couple. As he explained, he had little to know experience in this arena but he did have success. Dr. Peterson attributes his success to being able to listen, understand, and offer valuable insight. The perspective reader can identify his contentment toward this book by his claims of occasionally revisiting his book as source of knowledge, and that he wants the perspective reader to utilize the book as a guide (handbook) instead of a regular book on subject matter relating to communication. Dr. Peterson sets the foundations (according to his beliefs) for effective communication and interaction with others at the beginning of the book and uses these foundations as a sort of skeletal framework for the remaining of his work: Part One : The Introduction of Dr. Peterson's â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory† (8) Part Two: The use of the Talker-Listener Card (8) Part Three: Basic Listening Techniques (8) Part Four and Five: Extended Examples using the Talker-Listening Process (8) Flat-Brain Theory: The Flat- Brain Theory (according to Dr. Peterson) takes into consideration the human body as contributing factors in the communication process: the stomach, the heart and the head. The stomach is attributed as the location of feelings. â€Å"Healthy heart functions give and receive concerns†¦ † (12) The heart â€Å"put† everything together and the â€Å"options and possibilities†. (12) And finally, the head functions as the source for rationalization of information. Talker-Listening Process: The Talker-Listening Process establishes the roles in the communication process. The â€Å"talker† is attributed as the â€Å"owner of the problem† and the â€Å"listener† role is understand and allow the â€Å"talker† to share their feelings and thoughts. Additionally, Dr. Peterson provides â€Å"Talker-Listener Cards† (TLC) which outlines and reminds each other (talker and listener) of their responsibilities within the communication process. After the foundations of â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory† and the Talker- Listener Process is established and thoroughly explained, Dr. Peterson â€Å"shifts gears† into a more practical communication methods. Dr. Peterson provides insightful guides and suggestions for the reader to employ in their effective communication practices. The perspective reader evaluate and use the methods outline in his book to develop their own effective communication strategies and concepts regarding counseling others. You After reading Dr. Peterson's work, I was amazed and drawn to his work. I was able to enjoy his work not just as an assignment for this course, but a useful tool for future study and a teaching premise. Reading his work brought an understanding that in communication and interaction that if discovered early (in my opinion) could benefit many marriages, and other relationships. As I reflect on my personal experience, I think about the earlier years of my marriage. I could identify with Dr. Peterson's example in Chapter 3 regarding â€Å"Jack and Jill†. The only difference was that I thought if my wife would just listen to me first then I would undoubtedly solve any problem should would ever face. â€Å"After all I'm smart; I'm a good judge of character; I know how to interact and handle people; and if need be I can be very assertive. A few â€Å"short† years ago, my wife and I were visiting some of her relatives. Before we arrived, I made her agree that we would â€Å"head† back from her relative a certain time. However, I really did not consider her feelings regarding my â€Å"strict† timeline. During the visit, I would rehearse to my wife about â€Å"ou r† agreed itinerary. It did not dawn on me that I had â€Å"bullied† her into this agreement. After a week after the visit, my wife explained her feelings concerning â€Å"our† agreement and how I did not take into account her feelings. She claimed that I was using â€Å"double-standards†. At the time, I thought that my wife was just complaining and not being realistic. But reflecting upon this book, and reflecting on previous episodes regarding my communication with my wife, I could have use this book. I failed to put myself in my wife position and could have seriously damage our relationship. Look The work of Dr. Peterson highlights the importance of effective communication. Early in my life I thought that â€Å"getting† point across was the most important principle concerning communication. In using the concepts outlined in this book, I would evaluate myself as fallen prey to the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory†. The relevance of Dr. Peterson work is that it correlates Kollar's and Hawkins' work. Each illuminates the importance of the perspective counselor first understanding themselves such as knowing their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. Before a perspective counselor can assist others, he/she must address their own personal egocentricities. A valid question that could accompany Dr. Peterson's work would be: Based upon your understanding of the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory†, do you find yourself in this particular category? If so, what are some practical approaches you could take to remedy the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory†? Understanding each component of the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory assist in my understanding of in identifying potential prohibiting factors of communication. If I can identify the condition of my stomach (feels/emotions), my heart (processing of information) and my head (logical) , I can readily identify the condition of others that I may assist. The most impressi ve aspect of Dr. Peterson's work is that he claims that he often times refers to it. Based upon this, one is lead to believe that counseling is not an exhausted field. The pastoral counselor must take it upon himself to constantly be in a state of learning. If the counselor allows complacency set in then he loses his effectiveness. Do After reading Dr. Peterson's book, I feel encouraged and inspired to examine my own feelings and logic. I quickly realize that I must treat every potential counseling occasion as fresh and unique. I cannot enter in to any counseling session with preconceived ideas or emotions. Each person is unique so their circumstance must be unique. In my own relationship, I learned from Dr. Peterson's work is that I should not think for others. Allowing others to communicate and I listen without trying to talk for them will assist in strengthening my personal relationships. Only by being a â€Å"good† listener can I become more understanding. The 7Gift/DISC profiler identified several characteristics that I believe to be true about my personality. Such characteristics as determined and detail oriented. Although this can be good in certain aspects but it can leave those that I interact with a sense that I can be very demanding or intimidating. Understanding how I portray myself to others is critical to being a counselor. As I reflect upon my † Relational Style Action Plan†, Dr. Peterson's â€Å"Talker-Lister Process† applies. The TLC provide simple but valuable guidelines to facilitate the communication process. One of my struggles in the communication process has been that I would look for indicators in the process. I would sometime assume incorrectly what they were trying to portray. The TLC will assist in articulating correctly the point that the â€Å"talker† is communicating. One significant point that Dr. Peterson communicates in his work is that from time to time he refers to the book. If had a fellow counselor, that was experiencing challenges in communication, I would reference first Dr. Peterson acknowledgement that he is life-long learner, encourage them to try new techniques and methods, and possibly do some self assessment tools to assess himself. With that in mind, my outlook is that the counselor must be available to learn and perfect their craft. Openness is necessary not only for the counselee but also for the counselor.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Exercise Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Essay

A good diet and sufficient rest are important to sustain a healthy lifestyle but are not the only things to consider. When performed properly, exercising provides countless benefits that can further improve your quality of life. Regular exercise is an essential part of efficient weight loss and weight management. Exercising can also help thwart several diseases and improve a person’s overall well being. Whether it is a sport activity, a workout regimen, chores around the house, or yard work, all these types of physical activity are beneficial. Adapting an active lifestyle through exercising can be enjoyable and rewarding. Physical activity requires an individual to increase their level of exercising. According to Mayo Clinic staff, adults seeking a healthy lifestyle should include aerobic exercise and strength training in their fitness plans, specifically (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2013): * At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity — or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity — a week * Strength training exercises at least twice a week Every person’s level, whether new to exercising or a seasoned trainer, will be different therefore tailoring a workout program is an open venue for each person to explore. Different stages of exercise intensity can be researched to identify which stage a person can start. For beginners who are unsure about overexerting themselves, a moderate intensity, aerobic activity such as brisk walking is generally safe for most people. Some critics mention that physical activity may lead to a number of injuries. Exercising that involves moderate to high impact puts stress on the body. Even though this helps to build bone density, an individual who already has frail bones can damage a bone under the smallest amount of stress or impact (Tesch, 2011). This may hold true, however when performed correctly as well as starting at the appropriate intensity, these injuries are greatly minimized. That’s why it’s key to start slowly and to gradually increase the progression of intensity. Undesirable circumstances, such as a heart attack, are likely not to occur during exercise sessions. Daily exercising should be implemented in the everyday routine, no matter the age or fitness level. Physical activity tones the body, increases muscle strength, maintains strong bones, and promotes healthier skin. Other benefits of exercising result in better sleep and increased relaxation, a more positive mental state, and an enhanced immune system. Numerous researches show that incorporating an active lifestyle, through the use of an established workout program, have positive outcomes for all areas of health, including mental, emotional, intellectual, and even social well-being, not just for physical health. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. (Breene, 2013). Physical activity has been known to enhance mental clarity and efficiency. It is also linked with better thinking, learning, and judgment. Inquiries have revealed that exercise improves symptoms amid the clinically depressed. This is why physicians suggest, individuals suffering from melancholy or apprehension, should employ exercise in their daily lives. It has been proven, in a number of cases that proper exercise is as helpful as anti-depressant medication. The enhancement of a general mood can be achieved; by just working out for thirty minutes per session, a couple times a week. If time does not permit the utilization of the gym, a workout video can be very helpful. These videos are fun, easy to follow, and they are accompanied with great music. Because of the vast amount of videos, there are options of category and stage of health. If planning to develop a workout regimen in the near future; here are some examples of the type of videos that are available. Selections such as beginning aerobics, weight lifting, running; and even exercise for parents in the company of their kids. Options to participate in physical activity are infinite. Decide on the one that is most interesting to you, regardless if it is jogging, swimming, walking, and roller skating, or jumping rope. The most important point is to be physically active. In a brief amount of time, positive results will be achieved.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The eNotes Blog Prose, Poetry, and Macaroni Seattles Lit Crawl2016

Prose, Poetry, and Macaroni Seattles Lit Crawl2016 Lit Crawl is Seattle, WAs biggest and baddest annual event of poetry and prose readings. With 15 venues, 35 readings, and 5 phases, Lit Crawl is a massive uplift of local voices and art, as well as the perfect niche for a literary nerd. We  went to the first four  phases, and were blown away by the showcase of talent. In case you missed live documenting the event on our Instagram,  weve recapped some highlights. First up  was the Poetry Northwest  reading in downtown Seattle at a place called Folio: The Seattle Athenaeum. Folio is housed in the same building as the YMCA Central Branch Building; as poet Jane Wong mentioned, you could smell the chlorine of the YMCA pool from the small library we were in. This aquatic touch was fitting, because the president of the Seattle Cephalopod Appreciation Society and my former professor, Sierra Nelson, read first. Then Megan Snyder-Camp read her nature-filled prose poetry, followed by a reading by Jane Wong, author of the poetry collection Over Pour. We hopped on the light rail  and made our  way over for  Phase 2 at  the next venue, Vermillion- a bar that doubles as an arcade and art gallery (score!). This reading was hosted by Natasha Marin, creator of the Reparations Project, which encourages white people to support people of color in their communities. This reading featured a number of emotionally provocative, local poets, including Robert Lashley, Imani Sims, Anastacia Renee, Quenton Baker, Sakara Remmu, and Andy Yun. Even though the room was PACKED (most audience members could barely see the performers) their voices were powerful enough to keep the audience  engaged. The performers focused a lot on themes of being a person of color  in American systems and breaking down white fragility and guilt. Jessica Mooney, Neal Thompson  (top); Jean Burnet, Jeanine Walker  (bottom) For Phase 3 we  walked a block away to the Cheap Beer and Prose series of Lit Crawl. Cheap Beer and Prose is often done at Hugo House, but this time it was held at the Velocity DanceCenter. Jean Burnet, Jessica Mooney, and Neal Thompson, read from their short story collections and memoirs  while the hilarious Jeanine Walker hosted. For the final phase (for us) we went back to Vermillion Art Gallery and Bar and saw Steph Kesey present her series Hey There, Macaroni to an audience for the first time. The series went through the phases of love and rejection by means of animated  macaroni GIFs. It was an eye-opening and genuine collection that was originally meant as an act of love for her close  friend’s experiences with love and loss. Kesey plans to drop her  macaroni GIFs for the whole world to enjoy on January 1  (follow her progress on Instagram). Did you attend this years Seattle Lit Crawl? Wed love to hear your experiences in the comments below!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

These Netflix Jobs Will Pay You to Watch Movies

These Netflix Jobs Will Pay You to Watch Movies Ever joke about how your dream job would be to get paid to sit around and watch Netflix all day in your pajamas? Turns out that’s not as far-fetched as it sounds. You could turn your dream job into a real job. Honest. Netflix employs people called â€Å"Taggers† to watch upcoming content and help flag it into proper categories, i.e. â€Å"Indie Movies with a Strong Female Lead,† or â€Å"Critically Acclaimed TV Dramas.† This is done mostly by choosing words from a pool of 1,000 to best describe the program. These tags then interact with the larger algorithm that generate personalized recommendations for viewers.In 2014, Netflix advertised widely that they were looking for a new tagger in the UK or Ireland. Recently, in the U.S., they were looking for a Kids’ Content Tagger–someone  passionate about children’s programming able to deftly sort different shows and movies into different categories based on age, theme, interests, etc.The o riginal Tagger job was  a part-time, one-year position that allowed you to work remotely, for 15 hours per week, on the Enhanced Content Kids team. Bonus points went to those with  critical or analytical experience- or better yet, experience in children’s education or entertainment.While these positions are likely to have tons of applicants and quickly fill up, keep your eye open  on Netflix’s  Careers page  in case a similar opportunity becomes available. Make those Work From Couch dream a reality!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

WHAT I LEARNED IN THE CLASS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WHAT I LEARNED IN THE CLASS - Essay Example As the word TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More, a team leader needs to be proactive for efficient management of the relationship among the teammates and with the external members. I learned that to achieve organizational goals, the leader or manager needs to carefully define the duties and responsibilities for each employee and also standardize method of executing the tasks. Duties and responsibilities are defined by training, teaching and developing each worker to do the right job. The environment is constantly changing, and businesses have no control over the external environment. Businesses can only influence the internal environment and they require a framework of legal, social, political, economic and cultural factors. The internal factors include policies and plans, workers, business objectives and other factors with the business or organization. For the businesses to remain competitive, the managers need actively plan, organize, provide directions and coordinate the activities to adapt to the changing environment. For businesses to thrive, managers must achieve performance targets set by the business. The managers achieve these goals by focusing on their jobs and by motivating their subordinates. Working together as a team is important for the quality of output, retention and morale. It increases the productivity, improves quality, reduces costs and enhances speed. According to Frederick Brook in his book, The Mythical Man-Month, the time an individual takes to accomplish a task can be reduced by hiring more workers to assist in the completion of the job. An effective team has continual feedback on its performance, focuses on performance and has skilled members. Sometimes the team may fail due to lack of effective communication, proper chattering and goal setting, clear roles and trust. In a team environment, managers and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Genetics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Genetics - Assignment Example The two groups as mentioned afore were male and female. Since the heights were measured without selecting a particular group of student the sample can be considered as convenient sample. The population from which the sample was drawn consisted of college students. Moreover, the data recorded the heights for year 2013-2014 class. The number of male students was 175 while that of female was 244. The data gathered in the initial stage was in the raw form then it was copied to excel in two columns, one for male heights while the other was for female heights. The in order to summarize the data using Data Analysis ribbon of the MS Excel 2007, the Descriptive Statistics was calculated. The output is mentioned below. Descriptive Statistics    MALE FEMALE          Mean 179.4685714 165.2828 Standard Error 0.538915079 0.432823 Median 180 165 Standard Deviation 7.12917639 6.760904 Sample Variance 50.82515599 45.70983 Range 39 40 Minimum 162 148 Maximum 201 188 Sum 31407 40329 Count 175 2 44 Among the given values, the most important are the mean values and the measures of dispersion. From the table it is evident that the average male height is 179.5 cm while that of female is 165.3 cm which shows that on average the male height is greater than female. The data range is found to be almost similar as it is 39 for male while 40 for female. The standard deviation for male height is 7.13 while that for female is 6.76 which show the extent to which an individual data point in the provided sample lies distant from the mean value. Overall the height does not vary to a great extent in both cases as the standard deviation obtained is similar in both cases. But the observable differences in the mean values of male and female height may be due to the difference in the sizes of each sample. The size of male height sample is 175 while that of female height sample is 244 thus both groups differ in their sizes by 69 units which is quite significant difference. So in order to elimin ate the impact of this difference on the overall mean values of each sample, the means of each group is required to be tested using statistical procedures. Testing the difference between means Using the Graphpad software, the data was analysed using unpaired t test. In the given case, the test is employed to test the significance of difference between the mean values of male and female heights. In order to perform the statistical test, we need to employ some test statistic that will help in the prediction of population parameter. Therefore, the test statistics to test the significance of difference of mean value used is t statistics. The unpaired t test has been conducted on the given data assuming that both groups have equal variances. Employing statistical test requires ascertaining some decision rule which in the given case utilizes the P value obtained, and is needed to be less than 0.0001. Since the analysis was done using online software, the important values included the P-va lue, the t value, the confidence interval, degree of freedom and standard error of mean (Graphpad Software, Inc.). The output is summarized in the following table. P-value < 0.0001 T value 20.7036 The confidence interval at 95%   12.84 to 15.53 Degree of freedom 417 Standard error of difference 0.685   The confidence interval is drawn at 95% level, which shows that the mean differences between male and female height varied from 12.84 to 15.53. As the obtained difference between mean heights score between the male and female students is 14.12. The test provided the t value of 20.7036 with degree of freedom 417 and standard error of difference was 0.685. Since, the P-value obtained is found to be less than 0.0001 which makes it certain that the differences obtained between